Claude Salhani

Giornalista − Stati Uniti

Claude Salhani, UPI’s international editor, is a seasoned international journalist with expertise in matters regarding the Middle East, terrorism and Islam.

During his 30-year career, Salhani has traveled to over 75 countries to cover major events.

Salhani’s past assignments have included the Jordanian-Palestinian Black September clashes in Jordan, the 1973 Arab-Israeli War on the Golan, the Lebanese Civil War, the Turkish Invasion of Cyprus, the war in the Dhofar (Oman), the Iraq-Iran War, the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, the siege of Beirut, the Iranian Revolution, the Gulf War, the Czech Velvet Revolution and the downfall of Communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union and most recently, the war in Iraq.

Salhani was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize in Photojournalism in 1983 for his coverage of the bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut.

In 1998 his memoirs of covering the Middle East were published in his first book, "Black September to Desert Storm: A Journalist in the Middle East," and he is a contributing author to "The Iraq War," UPI's recent recount of the latest conflict in the Middle East.

During his career, Salhani, who has also worked for Reuters, has traveled with and reported on several U.S. presidents as well as with a number of foreign dignitaries. He has been based in Beirut, Cairo, Paris, Brussels, London, New York City and Washington.


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