Georges Corm

Studioso − Stati Uniti

Georges Corm is by profession an economist, specialized in the Middle Eastern and Mediterranean region. He is a well-known consultant to International Organization and central banks. In addition to his academic articles and books
on economic and financial issues, he is also the author of articles and books pertaining to the contemporary history and sociology of the Arab East.

Welcome to the personal site of Georges Corm which offers to its visitors a view of his various academic researches and works that are described in the site. They will also find the most recent articles, publications and interviews of Georges Corm in the Lebanese and international press.

The site also includes a detailed description of the professional expertise of Georges Corm, both during the years when he worked for large economic and financial organization from the public sector or the semi-public sector in Lebanon and outside Lebanon and the years when he worked as a free lance consultant in Paris for various organizations and countries. Due to his large economic and financial expertise, he has been Minister of Finance of the Republic of Lebanon between 1998 and 2000.

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Una finestra sul mondo della cultura, della politica, dell'economia e della scienza. Ogni giorno, una selezione di articoli comparsi sulla stampa italiana e internazionale. [Leggi]
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