Wolfgang Munchau

Giornalista − Germania

Wolfgang Munchau is an associate editor of the Financial Times, where he writes a weekly column about the European Union and the European economy. Before taking up this position in September 2003, he was co-editor of Financial Times Deutschland, the German daily financial newspaper, for two years. He was a also member of the founding team of FT Deutschland, which was launched in February 2000 by the Financial Times Group and Gruner + Jahr, the newspaper and magazine publishing division of Bertelsmann.

Before joining FT Deutschland, Mr Munchau was a Frankfurt correspondent and later economics correspondent of the Financial Times. One his main themes during that period were the preparation for the final stage of monetary union and the launch of the Euro. Between 1988 and 1995 he held several posts at the London Times newspaper, including Washington and Brussels correspondent. In 1989 he was a recipient of the Wincott Young Financial Journalist of the Year award. He holds an M.A. in International Journalism (City University) and Diplom-Betriebswirt (Reutlingen).

(Fonte: Financial Times)

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