Edward Wong

Giornalista − Stati Uniti

Edward Wong has been covering aviation and aerospace for The New York Times since April 2002. He began working for The Times as a summer intern in 1998 and returned in October 1999 after finishing graduate school and traveling in China and Pakistan. Before joining the business desk, he worked on the metro and sports desks as a general assignment reporter. Edward got dual master's degrees in journalism and international studies from U.C. Berkeley, and he graduated from the University of Virginia with a bachelor's in English. He began working in journalism at a suburban weekly in the Washington, D.C., area in 1995. While in graduate school, he worked as the Bay Area stringer for The Los Angeles Times and wrote for many other publications as a freelancer. He also produced and directed "Comrades," a 26-minute documentary that is distributed by Third World Newsreel and NAATA.

(Fonte chapters.aaja.org)

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