Da Chosun Ibo del 09/10/2006
Originale su http://english.chosun.com/w21data/html/news/200610/200610090019.html

North Korea Conducts Nuclear Test

By way of the state-run Korean Central News Agency, North Korea announced that it had conducted a successful nuclear test Monday.

The KCNA reported, “A safe and successful underground nuclear test was conducted on Oct. 9, 2006 by our division of scientific research” adding, “We have confirmed that this test, which was carried out after scientific analyses of possible outcomes and the most scrupulous calculations, has caused absolutely no radiation outflow or other hazards.”

“This nuclear test was realized with knowledge and technology that is 100 percent ours,” adding, “Both to the people and military, who have always yearned for the strength to defend the nation, this day brings joy and encouragement.”

“This test will contribute to ensuring peace and stability on the peninsula and in the region." A spokesman for North Korea’s foreign ministry had announced on Oct. 3 that it would be conducting a nuclear test that it says would be “thoroughly guaranteed to be safe” in the field of “scientific research” sometime in the future.

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